Media coverage of New Village Press books and authors!

January 13, 2025: In a review for Beyond Chron, Randy Shaw calls Fern Tiger’s Creative Instigation: The Art and Strategy of Authentic Community Engagement “the most comprehensive account ever written of positive outcomes through community engagement.”

January/February 2025: Art New England Magazine‘s Carl Little offers a compelling review of the “powerful visages” of the truthtellers featured in Portraits of Peacemakers by Robert Shetterly. Little highlights the contributions of essayist Alice Rothchild, giving a special nod to her memoir.

December 17, 2024: Rachel Peacock reviews Inspired and Outraged: The Making of a Feminist Physician by Alice Rothchild for Synapsis Journal. Peacock praises Rothchild’s “raw and real” poetic memoir for its unique structure and emotional depth.
Read the full review here!

November/December 2024: Carl Little describes Lucy Lippard’s Stuff: Instead of a Memoir as a “highly entertaining—and compelling—life review,” noting a few of his favorite anecdotes from the book for the November/December print edition of Art New England Magazine.

October 2, 2024: In a review for American Theatre, Todd London writes that Art in Democracy, edited by Ben Fink, collects “truly democratic art, in which marginalized and stigmatized communities get to speak—and sing—loudly.”
Read the full review here!
September 17, 2024: Muriel Fox was interviewed by Ben Colonomos on PIX11 TV to discuss her book The Women’s Revolution and her pivotal contributions to the women’s rights movement.

August 3, 2024: Breena Clarke observes that Making a Way Out of No Way by Merideth M. Taylor “completes a panoramic portrait like a patchwork quilt or a museum installation.”
Read the full review here!

July 21, 2024: Muriel Fox was interviewed for River Journal to discuss her new book The Women’s Revolution and her involvement in second wave feminism.
Read the full article here!

July 11, 2024: Tom Angotti, author of Zoned Out, decries City of Yes, NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ plan to increase city housing by decreasing zoning restrictions.
“Until the city views housing as a human right instead of as a commodity, the city will only keep sweetening the deal for developers,” he and two fellow community activists write.
Read Angotti’s op-ed here.

July 10, 2024: Mark Dowie was featured on Diane Hullet’s podcast Best Life Best Death where the two discuss Death Cafes, the Final Exit Network, and Dowie’s book Judith Letting Go.
Listen to the full podcast here!

June 27, 2024: Bill Newman and Buz Eidenberg host author Muriel Fox on their podcast Talk the Talk to discuss the women’s movement and her new release The Women’s Revolution.
Listen to the full podcast here!

June 2024: Author Leigh Sugar’s poem “The Huron River at Barton Dam” was published online for the Ann Arbor Observer. Read her poem here.

Summer 2024: Mark Dillon of Rain Taxi Review of Books interviews Mark Dowie about dying with dignity, his friendship with Judith Tannenbaum, and his newest book, Judith Letting Go: “Writing from the heart was completely new to me, but Judith made it easy. Throughout the friendship I never thought of myself as a writer or a journalist, only a friend.”
Issue #114 is available for purchase here and you can read the current online edition here.

June 14, 2024: Carrie N. Baker from Ms. Magazine spoke with Muriel Fox about her new release The Women’s Revolution and her work with the National Organization of Women (NOW).

June 1, 2024: Wendy Hinman of Forewood notes that Muriel Fox’s The Women’s Revolution “produces a rare insight on a profound transformation of the last century.”

May 29, 2024: Michael Reid interviews author Merideth M. Taylor on her new book Making a Way Out of No Way: Lives of Labor, Love, and Resistance. Read the full interview here!

May 21, 2024: Rodney B. Dieser reviews Joyce Milambiling’s Skyscraper Settlement: The Many Lives of Christodora House. Read the full review here!

May 19, 2024: Professor Ron Carver speaks to VietnamPlus about the book Waging Peace in Vietnam: U.S. Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the War, authored by Carver, his wife Barbara Doherty, and David Cortright. Watch the full interview here!

May 11, 2024: Daniel R. Hart of the VVA Veteran reviews David Cortright’s book A Peaceful Superpower: Lessons from the World’s Largest Antiwar Movement, calling the book “a valuable contribution to the study of peace movements.”

May 9, 2024: Dr. Mindy Fullilove spoke to community members at a town hall at Washington Brazilian Seventh-day Adventist Church about her book Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America and What We Can Do About It. The presentation was part of the commission’s series of events exploring restorative justice. Read the full article by Kayla Nazaire here!

May 8, 2024: America Trends Podcast hosts author Muriel Fox to share her insights on the history of the feminist movement and her upcoming book The Women’s Revolution: How We Changed Your Life. Listen to the podcast here!

May 1, 2024: Author Muriel Fox recounts taking action against the Plaza Hotel and her role in the National Organization for Women (NOW) in her article “When Women Couldn’t Eat at the Plaza” for Hadassah Magazine.

March/April 2024: Illène Pevec, author of Growing A Life: Teen Gardeners Harvest Food, Health, and Joy, responds to “The Science of Happiness,” an article from the March/April 2024 edition of Discover Magazine: Read her letter to the editor here.

Apr. 22, 2024: Berkeleyside features Mark Dowie’s Judith Letting Go on their “New Books with Berkeley Ties” list.

Apr. 4, 2024: David Talbot reviews Judith Letting Go in “The Final Trip” and calls it “the most moving thing Dowie has done as a writer.”

Apr. 2, 2024: Kirkus Reviews reviews The Women’s Revolution and calls the insights Muriel shares “a valuable contribution to our understanding of the complex history of a significant American movement.”

Apr. 1, 2024: Roger Bybee of the Wisconsin Examiner reviews the ‘Waging Peace’ Exhibit and the role of the GI Peace movement in Vietnam.

April 2024: INELDA names Judith Letting Go its “Media of the Month” and highlights an excerpt on remembrance and Judith’s friendship with incarcerated poet, Spoon Jackson.

Mar. 25, 2024: Mary Anne Trasciatti talks American labor rights and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire on its 113th anniversary.

Mar. 21, 2024: The Prison Journalism Project features Mesro Dhu Rafa’a review of The Book of Judith: Opening Hearts Through Poetry. The review is accompanied by an original poem by Dhu Rafa, inspired by the book.

Mar. 19, 2024: KPFA host Rona Renner holds a conversation based on Judith Letting Go about death and dying.

Mar. 15, 2024: The Museum of Public Relations hosts author Muriel Fox to discuss her upcoming book The Women’s Revolution: How We Changed Your Life and her participation in the second wave feminist movement.

Mar. 5, 2024: Only Poems names editor of That’s a Pretty Thing to Call It, Leigh Sugar, their poet of the week.

Feb. 28, 2024: David Cortright, author of Waging Peace in Vietnam, writes for the Boston Review on Aaron Bushnell’s act of protest against the war in Gaza.

Feb. 20, 2024: Piedmont Exedra features Mark Dowie’s Judith Letting Go on their “New Books from Bay Area Authors in February” list.

Feb. 19, 2024: 94.1 KPFA discusses Grassroots Roadside Theater in Appalachia with the editors and contributors from Art In A Democracy.

Feb. 15, 2024: Author and professor Barbara Levy Simon reviews Skyscraper Settlement: The Many Lives of Christodora House by Joyce Milambiling in an article for the Journal of Urban Affairs.

Feb. 2024: Megan N. Liberty, Art Books Editor at the Brooklyn Rail, reviews Lucy Lippard’s Stuff for the Brooklyn Rail’s February issue.

Jan. 24, 2024: An article by Jan Cohen-Cruz, author of Meeting the Moment: Socially Engaged Performance, 1965-2020, by Those Who Lived It, on the potential for immersive theater projects to create avenues for empathy and equitable housing.

Jan. 8, 2024: RIDE: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance reviews Jan Cohen-Cruz and Rad Pereira’s Meeting the Moment: Socially Engaged Performance, 1965-2020, by Those Who Lived It.

Jan. 5, 2024: Christina Davis reviews Lucy Lippard’s mark on the art world and her newest book Stuff: Instead of a Memoir for WBLZMEDIA.

Dec. 28, 2023: Catherine Filloux discusses “Femicide, Trauma, War, Immigration and More” with Ms. Magazine. Catherine Filloux is a contributing author to Acting Together: Performance and the Creative Transformation of Conflict, Volume 1.

Dec. 14, 2023: The New York Times included Lucy Lippard’s Stuff in their roundup of the best art books of 2023.

Dec. 2023: Elizabeth Lynch reviews Stuff by Lucy Lippard in the National Museum of Women in the Art’s Women in the Arts: Year in Review.

Nov. 22, 2023: Interview with Joyce Milambiling for Faculti on her book, Skyscraper Settlement: The Many Lives of Christodora House.

Nov. 9, 2023: Author of Inherited Silence: Listening to the Land, Healing the Colonizer Mind, Louis Dunlap, interviews with the Praxis Peace Institute about the important themes from her book.

Oct. 19, 2023: Article on a new memorial commemorating the 1911 Triangle Fire, with references to Talking to the Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, edited by Edvige Giunta and Mary Trasciatti.

Oct. 19, 2023: Review on Lucy Lippard’s new book, Stuff: Instead of a Memoir, by The New York Review of Books.

Oct. 16, 2023: Review on Margaret Randall’s new book, Luck, by The New York Journal of Books.

Oct. 8, 2023: The Art Fuse reviews That’s A Pretty Thing to Call It: Prose and Poetry by Artists Teaching in Carceral Institutions, edited by Leigh Sugar.

Oct. 1, 2023: Assay: The Journal of Nonfiction interviews editor Edvige Giunta on the creation process of Talking to the Girls: Intimate and Political Essay on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.

Sept. 27th, 2023: Podcast by Bill Cleveland, featuring the late Judith Tannenbaum and how she wrote a story to prepare artists to teach in a prison environment.

Sept. 24, 2023: Radio show for Women’s Media Center Live with host Robin Morgan speaking with Lucy Lippard about her new book Stuff: Instead of a Memoir.

Sept. 19, 2023: Podcast episode for Stroock Presents: GOAT Town, featuring Tom Angotti and Sylvia Morse discussing Zoned Out! Race, Displacement, and City Planning in New York City.

Sept. 11, 2023: Excerpt from Lucy Lippard’s Stuff: Instead of a Memoir featured by Hyperallergic.

June 27, 2023: Review by Professor Maddalena Marinari for Iperstoria on Talking to the Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.

May 15, 2023: Article on New York City’s proposals for housing laws with interview from Tom Angotti for Brownstoner.

Apr. 30, 2023: Interview with Ron Carver for Talk Vietnam TV on the historical movement within the US military to end the American War in Vietnam.

Apr. 26, 2023: Report by Sylvia Morse for the Pratt Center for Community Development on New York City’s Community Land Trusts and the ways in which CLT advocates have worked to keep the city’s land and housing affordable.

Apr. 18, 2023: Article by Tom Hastings for the LA Progressive on David Cortright’s book A Peaceful Superpower and the difficulties facing antiwar peace movements.

Apr. 16, 2023: Review by Charles F. Howlett of David Cortright’s book A Peaceful Superpower: Lessons from the World’s Largest Antiwar Movement in History News Network.

Apr. 9, 2023: Article on the legacy of the framed American artist with discussion from Lucy Lippard and Lisa Le Feuvre for the Hyperallergic.

Apr. 4, 2023: Review by Norman Stockwell of David Cortright’s book A Peaceful Superpower: Lessons from the World’s Largest Antiwar Movement in the April/May 2023 issue of The Progressive.

Mar. 29, 2023: Article on the documentary “Rabble Rousers,” featuring Tom Angotti, co-editor of Zoned Out! Race, Displacement, and City Planning in New York City (Revised Edition), for Progressive City.

Mar. 22, 2023: Interview with Arlene Goldbard for Ethical Schools on her recent book In the Camp of Angels of Freedom: What Does It Mean to Be Educated? and critiques of standard narratives of education.

Mar. 15, 2023: Discussion by Mindy Thompson Fullilove on community pandemic planning and the book launch of Rob Wallace’s “Fault in our SARS” for Monthly Review Magazine.

Mar. 13, 2023: Conversation between David Swanson and David Cortright on peace activism against the Iraq war for Talk World Radio.

Mar. 10, 2023: Announcement by Art & Education on Ecoart in Action and its contributors.

Mar. 8, 2023: Article by Edvige Giunta for International Women’s Day on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911 in the LSE Review of Books.

Mar. 3, 2023: Composer Tim Reed records with Spoon Jackson for Tomorrow’s Ken, a collection of interviews with people who are currently or formerly incarcerated. Watch the full video here!

Mar. 1, 2023: Podcast episode for Change the Story / Change the World featuring Arlene Goldbard discussing In the Camp of Angels of Freedom: What Does it Mean to be Educated?

Feb. 24, 2023: Article by Gregory Squires, coeditor of From Foreclosure to Fair Lending on appraisal bias in the housing market featured in Next City.

Feb. 22, 2023: Article from Governing the Future of States and Localities citing Asphalt to Ecosystems by Sharon Danks.

Feb. 22, 2023: Article by David Cortright on the 2003 anti-war movement against the US invasion of Iraq featured in Democracy Paradox.

Feb. 5, 2023: Review by Josh Bowman on Jane Jacob’s First City: Learning from Scranton, Pennsylvania for The Russell Kirk Center For Cultural Renewal.

Feb. 4, 2023: Article from the Boulder Beat on community healing instigated by youth intervention in Boulder, Colorado, featuring quotes from Mara Mintzer.

Feb. 4, 2023: Article by David Cortright on the impact of the 2003 anti-war movement 20 years after the US invasion of Iraq featured in The Nation.

Dec. 16, 2022: Review by L.M. Bogad of In the Camp of Angels of Freedom: What Does It Mean To Be Educated? featured in The Progressive.

Dec. 2022: Article by Janet Zandy on Talking to the Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire featured in the Journal of Working-Class Studies.

Nov. / Dec. 2022: Overview of Talking to the Girls coeditor Edvige Giunta’s recent talk for the Abruzzo and Molise Heritage Society

Nov. 28, 2022: Meeting the Moment highlighted by Princeton Alumni Weekly as one of three exceptional books on civic engagement and the arts

Nov. 16, 2022: Jan Cohen-Cruz and Rad Pereira’s Meeting the Moment excerpted by American Theatre magazine

Nov. 5, 2022: Review of Margaret Randall’s Artists in My Life run by Daily Art magazine

Nov. 4, 2022: Review of Diane Margolis’s We Built a Village published by CoHousing Solutions

Oct. 2022: Review by Alexander Kopytin of Inherited Silence: Listening to the Land, Healing the Colonized Mind featured in Ecopoiesis

Edvige Giunta and Mary Anne Trasciatti’s Talking to the Girls reviewed by the New York Labor History Association (NYLHA)

Oct. 9, 2022: Review of Margaret Randall’s book Artists in My Life featured in Hyperallergic

Oct. 12, 2022: Ecologist and Portraits of Earth Justice contributor Robin Wall Kimmerer has been awarded a MacArthur “genius grant”

Jul. 31, 2022: Review of Robert Shetterly’s Portraits of Racial Justice by the Portland Press Herald

Jul. 30, 2022: Jan Cohen-Cruz and Rad Pereira, co-authors of Meeting the Moment, write about their collaboration across age, gender-identity, and nationality for Women Writers, Women’s Books

Jun. 20, 2022: Article about Robert Shetterly’s artwork featured in Central Maine

Apr. 29, 2022: Review of “How Spaces Become Places: Place Makers Tell Their Stories” by Lindsay J. McCunn featured on Cities & Health

Apr. 16, 2022: An article by Sarah Cords on Talking To The Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire featured in The Progressive.

Apr. 12, 2022: Margaret Randall on the process of writing Artists in My Life featured on Books By Women.

Apr, 2022: Talking To The Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire featured in I Love Sicilia Italian magazine.

Apr. 6, 2022: Collaborator’s work in Talking To The Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire featured in the Huntington Public Schools blog.

Mar. 29, 2022: Teen Vogue featured Talking To The Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in an article.
“The stories intersect in that startlingly familiar way that one often finds with labor stories.”

Mar. 24, 2022: Talking to the Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire reviewed in Forward.

Mar. 24, 2022: Talking To The Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire featured in Insider NJ.

Mar. 23, 2022: Periodico Italiano featured Talking To The Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in an article.

Mar. 23, 2022: Talking To The Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire featured in Labor Press.

Mar. 22, 2022: Talking To The Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire featured in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Mar. 11, 2022: Cornell IRL School featured Talking To The Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire editors in an article and an event regarding the Triangle Fire.

Mar. 8, 2022: Talking To The Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire are featured in the Italian paper La Repubblica for International Women’s Day.

Mar. 1, 2022: Robert Shetterly was praised in Bangor Daily News

Feb. 21, 2022: An excerpt from Mindy Thomposon Fullilove’s, Main Street was reprinted in Non Profit Quarterly.

Nov. 19, 2021: Jan Cohen-Cruz and Rad Pereira discuss their book Meeting the Moment: Socially Engaged Performance, 1965-2020, by those who lived it on the podcast Meanwhile in an Abandoned Warehouse.

Oct. 22, 2021: Mindy Thompson Fullilove on Main Street as a 21st-Century Machine for Living on the Progressive City Podcast: Ear to the Pavement.

Oct. 13, 2021: Agribusiness vies with democracy in California, book says in the Cornell Chronicle

Sept. 22, 2021: Art Seen: Robert Shetterly tells the “Truth” in the Portland Phoenix

Sept, 2021: Food Tank’s 20 Books About the Food System to Read this Fall

May 10, 2021: Ann Snitow’s book Visitors featured in the NYU press blog

Apr. 12, 2021: Jane Jacobs: First City: Learning From Scranton, Pennsylvania mentioned in The Times Tribune

Apr, 2021: Such A Pretty Girl reviewed in Against The Current

Feb. 3, 2021: “Main Street” reviewed in UNC Charlotte Urban Institute

Dec. 31, 2020: Woke, Beyond the Punchlines and Performativity on Hyperallergic

Dec. 14, 2020: Article about Ann Snitow’s Visitors in Dissent Magazine.

Sep. 30, 2020: “Such A Pretty Girl” reviewed by Jessie Male in Brevity Magazine

Sep. 15, 2020: My Life in 100 Objects review in Kirkus

Jan. 25, 2020: David Cortright on ABC 57

Dec. 3, 2019: Such A Pretty Girl author Nadina LaSpina interview in Today

Oct. 30, 2019: Such a Pretty Girl author Nadina LaSpina interviewed on Truthout

Oct. 29, 2019: Waging Peace In Vietnam review in The Progressive

Oct, 2019: Waging Peace in Vietnam review in Jacobin

Aug. 14, 2019: Article about Ann Snitow in Dissent Magazine