Alvaro Cardona-Hine
Alvaro Cardona-Hine (1926-2016) was a prolific painter, composer, and poet. He published over 30 books of poetry, prose, and translation.
Cardona-Hine was the half brother of poet Alfredo Cardona Peña, and authored the English translation of Cardona Peña’s Conversations with Diego Rivera: The Monster in His Labyrinth (New Village Press, 2018).
Born in San José, Costa Rica, he moved to the United States as a teenager and soon began studying music and the arts. In Los Angeles, Cardona-Hine formed the poetry group, the Incognoscenti, with fellow poets Gene Frumkin, Stanley Kiesel, and Fred Franklyn. In the late 60s, he began painting and met his second wife, Barbara McCauley. The pair moved to New Mexico, and in 1988, opened the Cardona-Hine Gallery in Truchas, where they were among the first artists to represent their own work outside of established galleries. Since Cardona-Hine’s passing, McCauley continues to exhibit both of their works together.