Linda Frye Burnham


Portrait of Linda Frye BurnhamLinda Frye Burnham (1940–) is a writer, poet, and editor. She co-directed Art in the Public Interest and the Community Arts Network. Her interests include artists working in community, education, and activism, performance art, and feminism and multiculturalism in the arts.

She founded High Performance magazine and, with Steven Durland, was its editor from 1978-1998. The pair also co-edit The Citizen Artist: 20 Years of Art in the Public Arena, an anthology from High Performance (1998). Burnham is the editor of Performing Communities: Grassroots Ensemble Theaters Deeply Rooted in Eight U.S. Communities (New Village Press, 2006), co-authored by Ann Kilkelly and Robert H. Leonard.

Burnham received a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities from the University of Southern California, and a Masters of Fine Arts in creative writing from the University of California, Irvine. In 1999, she was awarded a lifetime achievement award from the Women’s Caucus for Art and in 2013, she and Steven Durland received the ATHE Award for Leadership in Community-based Theater and Civic Engagement. She lives in North Carolina. 

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